Architectural Survey Reports
An important component of every architectural survey is the report that is prepared at the end of the project. The survey report describes and analyzes the historic architecture of the survey area within relevant historic contexts. This collection contains architectural reports held by the Survey and National Register Branch of the North Carolina State Historical Preservation Office.
Over the many years of the State Historic Preservation Office’s survey program, the reports have taken several forms. Some of the reports have separate sections on the survey area’s architecture and history while other blend the discussions of the area’s historical and architectural development. From the mid-1980s into the first decade of the twenty-first century, most of the reports were prepared as a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF), a National Park Service “cover” report that presents an area’s historic contexts and property types in a manner that simplifies the future preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations for properties identified by the survey as potentially eligible for National Register listing.
For more information about these reports visit https://www.ncdcr.gov/state-historic-preservation-office
All the reports displayed in this collection are on file at the State Historic Preservation Office. For access of physical materials and permissions questions, contact the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office at 919-814-6593.
Architectural Survey Reports
An important component of every architectural survey is the report that is prepared at the end of the project. The survey report describes and analyzes the historic architecture of the survey area within relevant historic contexts. This collection contains architectural reports held by the Survey and National Register Branch of the North Carolina State Historical Preservation Office.
Over the many years of the State Historic Preservation Office’s survey program, the reports have taken several forms. Some of the reports have separate sections on the survey area’s architecture and history while other blend the discussions of the area’s historical and architectural development. From the mid-1980s into the first decade of the twenty-first century, most of the reports were prepared as a Multiple Property Documentation Form (MPDF), a National Park Service “cover” report that presents an area’s historic contexts and property types in a manner that simplifies the future preparation of National Register of Historic Places nominations for properties identified by the survey as potentially eligible for National Register listing.
For more information about these reports visit https://www.ncdcr.gov/state-historic-preservation-office
All the reports displayed in this collection are on file at the State Historic Preservation Office. For access of physical materials and permissions questions, contact the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office at 919-814-6593.